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New Journal website launched

ORCID Registration Guide
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID is in fact a 16-digit code specific to each author. This ID is unique and permanent for each individual. ORCID eliminates ambiguities about the various names of an author. Researchers and inventors can use ORCID to prepare the profiles of their published articles, patents, research, grants, etc. and include them in their scientific resumes. According to the guidelines of the Center for Electronic Resources and Promotion of University Journals, authors must register their articles using ORCID from 21/06/2016. To register, first enter the following address at http://www.orcid.org, then enter the requested information through the next three steps to sign up and receive the 16-digit code.

New Journal Website Launched
Now that Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery has begun research and study on complementary medicine, we are proud to inform dear colleagues and scholars that this journal is ready to accept your articles in the fields related to complementary medicine. Any treatment outside the scope of new medical therapies is called Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Complementary medicine covers a wide range of more than a hundred fields. Topics such as herbal medicine (herbalism), aromatherapy, mental and physical interventions and ethics in complementary medicine research are among those of high importance in our country today and many researchers have considered returning to and reviving the rich Iranian culture in different fields of complementary medicine. The Complementary Medicine Journal (CMJ) aims at enhancing scientific knowledge of faculty members, specialists, researchers, experts, students and amateurs of medical sciences, establishing links between educational, scientific and research centers in order to exchange experiences and new scientific achievements in the field of complementary medicine and promoting the level of community health, in the hope to advance knowledge of complementary medicine.
Dr. Mahboobe Khorsandi

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