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Author Guidelines

  Complementary Medicine journal (CMJA) is a peer reviewed open access online Quarterly journal publication of the of the School of Nursing& Midwifery, Arak University of Medical Sciences and welcomes contributions from all areas of sciences.

  Submission of Manuscripts

  Papers submitted for publication should describe original work , not previously published else­where, totally or partly. Submission is only acceptable via Journal URL: http://cmja.ir .

  Manuscript must be accompanied by a cover­ing let­ter to the Editor-in-Chief, including title and au­thor(s) name and undertaking that it has not been pub­lished or submitted elsewhere. The authors may also suggest two to four reviewers for the manuscript (CMJA may designate other reviewers).

  Types of Articles

  Articles will be published in the following categories:

  1- Original Papers: A full paper must be subdivided into eight sections, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment and References. The length of the text should not exceed 5000 words excluding the references.

  2- Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. When possible; follow the same structure as original papers. Short Communications should be limited to 2500 words.

  3- Reviews Articles: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Review article should include Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Primary and secondary topic headings (as many as required), Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. A review article may have an unstructured abstract. Review articles should have at least 50 references. Authors should use at least 3-5 references of their own prior work.

  4- Case reports: Case Reports should include Abstract (no more than 150 words), Introduction, Case presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgement and References. Case Reports should be limited to 2000 words.

  Manuscript Organization

  Title page: The title page of the paper should only contain the ti­tle, name(s), degree(s) and addresses (Tel, Fax, and Email) of the author(s).

  Main Text: The manuscript should include: Title , No au­thor(s) name , the Ab­stract , Introduction, Ma­terials & Methods, Results, Discussion , Conclusion, Ac­knowl­edge­ment and Ref­erences .

  Abstract : Abstract is a concise summary of the whole paper. The abstract ( no more than 250 words) in structured for­mat as Background , Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion followed by 3 to 6 Keywords must be presented. Keywords should be placed in alphabetical order and, when possible, adjusted to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html ).

  Introduction: The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

  Materials and Methods: Materials and methods should be complete enough to allow experiments to be reproduced. However, only truly new procedures should be described in detail; previously published procedures should be cited, and important modifications of published procedures should be mentioned briefly. Capitalize trade names and include the manufacturer's name and address. Methods in general use need not be described in detail

  Results: Results should be presented with clarity and precision. The results should be written in the past tense when describing findings in the authors' experiments. Previously published findings should be written in the present tense. Results should be explained, but largely without referring to the literature. Discussion, speculation and detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the Results but should be put into the Discussion section.

  Discussion: The Discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic. The detailed data should not be repeated in the discussion again.

  Conclusion: State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper.

  Acknowledgments: Besides personal acknowledgement, sources of financial support, etc should be mentioned in this section.

  Tables: All tables should be keyed in to the text. A short descriptive heading should be given above each table and any footnotes and explanations underneath. Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. Do not submit tables as pho­tograph.

  Figures: Must be numbered and keyed into the text. The cap­tions should be placed below.

  The same data should not be presented in tables, fig­ures and text, simultane­ously.

  Abbreviations and Symbols: use only standard abbre­viations. Avoid using them in the title and ab­stract . The full term for which an abbre­viation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a stan­dard unit of measurement.

  References: The CMJA has now adopted the Vancouver Reference System and all submitted manuscripts should be in this style. Cite references in text in order of appearance using Arabic numerals in parentheses for citations. Place the reference list at the end of the final text page. List all authors when six or fewer; when seven or more, list the first six and add “et al”. Use Index Medicus abbreviations for journals that are indexed; if a journal is not indexed, use full name. We recommend the use of a tool such as EndNote or Reference Manager for reference management and formatting.

  EndNote reference styles can be searched for here:

  Reference Manager reference styles can be searched for here:


  Fernandez R, Griffiths R, Murie P. A comparison of late night and early morning removal of short-term urethral catheters. JBI Rep 2003; 1: 1-16.


  Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and Leadership Skills for Nurses.2nd ed. Albany: Delmar Publishers; 1996.

  Persian References:

  Persian references must be written in the same way of English references. The title of articles in any language other than English must be bracketed.

  Faramarz F, Roghani M, Khalilizad M . [ The effect of oral feeding of Allium ursinum L. on thoracic aorta contractile response in diabetic rats]. CMJA 2010; 12(4): 65-73.

  Journal article :
Fernandez R, Griffiths R, Murie P. A comparison of late night and early morning removal of short-term urethral catheters. JBI Rep 2003; 1: 1-16

  Translated book:

  Nasr SH. Three Muslim Hakim: Translated by Aram A. Tehran, Iran. Yeganeh publication; 2001.

  Chapter in a book:
Ben-Asher Y, Meisler D. Towards a source level compiler: source level modulo scheduling. In: Program Analysis and Compilation, Theory and Practice Essays Dedicated to Reinhard Wilhelm on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday: Springer; 2007. p. 328-60.


  Patty D, Cashin WE, Aleamoni LM, Pratt DD. Thinking about teaching evaluations. [cited 2007 Dec 19]. Available from: http://www.oberlin.edu/cot/pdweval.htm .

  Conference article:

  Rafiee M, Seif M. A survey of factors related to faculty evaluation in Arak University of Medical Sciences. Proceeding of 6th National Conference of Medical Education; 2003 May 1-3; Tehran, Iran.


  Karami R. A survey of relation of learning styles with studying and learning methods among high school students of Charoimagh . [MSc thesis]. Tabriz University, 2003.

  Proof Reading

  A computer printout is sent (e-mail attachment) to the corresponding author for proof reading before publication in order to avoid any mistakes. Corrections should be marked clearly and sent immediately to the Journal office. Page proofs are considered to be the final version of the manuscript.

  Ethics Guidelines

  Manuscripts that contain the results of human and/or animal studies should contain a statement that the study has been carried out with ethical committee approval. Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods. The clinicians who conduct a clinical trial on human subjects and wish to publish the results of their investigations in this Journal should have obtained permission for their clinical trial from Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) ( http://www.irct.ir/ ) or other well-known clinical trials registries.

  Conflicts of Interest

  Submitting a manuscript must be accompanied with a statement from the authors dis­closing all financial and personnel rela­tionship that might bias their work, if any. Besides, they are requested to evident whether impending conflicts do or do not exist. A sepa­rate page should cover this proclamation and if there are further de­tails, could be mentioned in covering letter. If an organization encompasses any financial interest in.

  Page charges and Reprints

  There are no charges for publica­tion in this Journal. Because CMJA will be published freely online, authors will have free electronic access to the full text (in both HTML and PDF) of the article. Authors can freely download the PDF file from which they can print unlimited copies of their articles.


  Accepted manuscripts become the per-ma­nent prop­erty of the Journal and may not be repro­duced, in whole or in part, without the writ­ten permis­sion of the Editor.

  Peer Review Process

  The Editors review all submitted manuscripts initially. Manuscripts with insufficient originality are rejected. Other manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two experts in the fields, and a decision returns to the author in one month. If due to special circumstance the review process takes longer, authors will be notified by email. Possible decisions on a manuscript are: accept as is, minor revision, major revision, or reject. If a paper that is returned to the authors for modification is not resubmitted within 2 weeks it will be regarded as having been withdrawn and any revised version received subsequently will be treated as a new paper and the date of receipt will be altered accordingly. It is the goal of the CMJA to publish manuscripts within 8 weeks after submission.

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