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Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2022)                   cmja 2022, 12(2): 172-187 | Back to browse issues page

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Sirjani F, Shahrokhabadi K, Baharara J. Effect of Fluorouracil Combined With Harmine on Induction of Apoptosis in Apoptosis Induction in Pancreatic Cancer Cells (AsPC-1) and the Expression of Apoptotic Genes (BAX, P53, Caspase-3, and Caspase-9). cmja 2022; 12 (2) :172-187
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-871-en.html
1- Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2- Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran. , shahrokhabady@yahoo.com
3- Research Center for Animal Development Applied Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
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For many years, cancer has affected many people and is known as a leading cause of death worldwide. This disease is considered a serious medical problem both in developed and less developed countries. The results of a survey based on the latest national cancer registration data in Iran predicted a 43% increase in the cases of cancer from 2017 to 2025 in Iran. Iran is located in a area with moderate risk of cancer based on the global cancer map. Pancreatic cancer is the most common type of cancer in the current century; it is one of the deadliest cancers related to the digestive system in the world. The most common treatment method for pancreatic cancer is surgery combined with chemotherapy.
Today, research on natural products has increased due to the increasing demand in the field of complementary medicine, which have low side effects and high safety. The treatment of diseases and the reduction of their symptoms by using herbal extracts has received more attention due to lower unwanted side effects and toxicity compared to synthetic compounds. Some of the compounds obtained from plants have even been used as models or precursors for making effective products with more effectiveness and less toxicity. Harmine is a beta-carboline alkaloid that is found naturally in many plants, but the main source of it is the pecan plant. It seems that the use of natural compounds obtained from plants along with the use of chemical drug can be more effective and useful. This study aims to assess the synergistic effect of fluorouracil combined with harmine on induction of apoptosis in AsPC-1 cell line and the expression of apoptotic genes (BAX, P53, Caspase-3, Caspase-9).
In this study, the AsPC-1 cell line was prepared from the cell bank of Pasteur Institute of Iran and cultured in RPMI1640 medium. When the density of cells reached 80%, the cytotoxicity of different concentrations of harmine and fluorouracil and their combination on human pancreatic cancer cells was evaluated by MTT method. For this purpose, the cells were cultured with a density of 2 x 104 cells in a 96-well plate. 24 hours later, the cells were treated with different concentrations of harmine and fluorouracil and their combination for 24 hours. After this period, cytotoxicity was evaluated. By using the DAPI staining method, it is possible to confirm the cytotoxic and antiproliferative effect of harmine, fluorouracil and their combination on ASPC-1 cells. First, 2 x 105 cells were cultured in each well of a 6-well plate for 24 hours in an incubator. Then the cells were exposed to harmine, fluorouracil, and their combination. It should be noted that the doses used in the DAPI test were determined based on the results of the MTT test and the IC50 calculated for the cells. After 24 hours, they were fixed with methanol for 10 minutes and then stained with DAPI for 10 minutes. Next, apoptotic nuclei were evaluated and photographed using a fluorescent microscope. Apoptosis was evaluated by annexin-propidium iodide diagnostic kit. In this regard, after 24 hours of culture in the plate, the cells were treated with harmine, fluorouracil and their combination for 24 hours. Then, the supernatant of the control group and the three treatment groups were transferred to Eppendorf and centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 8 minutes. Binding Buffer 1X, Annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide were added to the samples. Then, they were incubated at room temperature and in the dark, and its graphs were plotted using a flow cytometer. For gene expression assessment, 1x106 human pancreatic cancer cells were cultured for 24 hours after cell counting. Then, they were treated with harmine, fluorouracil, and their combination at specific concentrations for 24 hours. Next, RNA was extracted based on the protocol of the kit and the concentration was determined by the nanodrop method using a spectrophotometer. Afterwards, the extracted RNA was converted into cDNA. A pair of primers was designed by Oligo 7 software for each of the study genes and the internal control gene (Table 1).

Then, the amount of CG, temperature of the primer, and their specific connection were checked on the NCBI website and BLAST algorithm. Finally, the expression of apoptotic genes caspase-3, caspase-9, BAX and p53 was investigated using the SYBR green fluorescent stain with Real-Time PCR method in Bio Rad device.
3. Results
The results showed that, among the studied concentrations, 30 μg/ml harmin, 35 μg/ml fluorouracil, and the combination of 10 μg/ml fluorouracil and 20 μg/ml harmine caused the death of half of the cells (Figure 1). 

Morphological results showed that 24 hours after treatment with 30 μg/ml harmine, almost half of the cells left the polyhedral state and became spherical. In treatment with 35 μg/ml fluorouracil, the cells were rounded and out of the normal shape. This rounded shape was also observed in the combined group (20 μg/ml harmine + 10 μg/ml fluorouracil) (Figure 2). 

The results of DAPI staining test showed that in AsPC-1 cells, immediately after and 24 hours after treatment, the nuclei were fragmented and the shape of the nuclei was out of normal form and wrinkled, which indicates the occurrence of apoptosis in these cells. In the control group, the nuclei were healthy and intact (Figure 3). 

The results of annexin 5-propidium iodide test showed that, while 92% of the cells were alive in the control group, about 40% were alive and 52% were apoptotic in the harmine group with a concentration of 30 μg/ml. In the cells treated with 35 μg/ml fluorouracil, about 35% of the cells had undergone apoptosis. In the cells treated both harmine and fluorouracil, about 60% of the cells underwent apoptosis and only about 15% were alive (Figure 4 and 5).

Figure 4 shows the expression results of the study genes under the influence of harmine, fluorouracil and their combination compared to the control group. All four studied genes showed the significant synergistic effect of harmine and fluorouracil (p<0.05), which caused a significant increase in gene expression. The results related to the expression of caspase-3 and caspase-3 genes showed that although there was also an increase in the harmine and fluorouracil treatment groups, the increase in the synergistic group was only significant (p<0.05). In BAX and P53 genes, a significant increase in expression was seen only in the synergistic group; treatment with harmine and fluorouracil alone could not cause significant changes in gene expression.

Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines

All ethical principles were considered in this article. The participants were informed of the purpose of the research and its implementation stages. They were also assured about the confidentiality of their information and were free to leave the study whenever they wished, and if desired, the research results would be available to them.

This study was extracted from the master thesis (No. 162374163) of the first author. It was not funded by any organizations.

Authors' contributions
All authors equally contributed to preparing this article.

Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.

The authors would like to thank the personnel of Research Institute in Kharazmi University for their cooperation.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medicinal Plants

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