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Volume 13, Issue 3 (12-2023)                   cmja 2023, 13(3): 39-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Dayani M, Salehi M, Karimi M, Latifi S A H, Saberi Zafarghandi M B. Investigating the Temperament of Autism Spectrum Patients from the Perspective of Persian Medicine. cmja 2023; 13 (3) :39-46
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-945-en.html
1- Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
2- Traditional and Complementary Medicine Research Center (TCMRC), Department of Traditional Medicine, School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, I.R.Iran. , salehi58@gmail.com
3- Department of Iranian Medicine, Faculty of Iranian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4- Traditional Medicine and Complement Research Center, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
5- School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health (Tehran Institute of Psychiatry), Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
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In 1944, Hans Asperger defined autism as a disorder in children with normal IQ who have problems with communication and social skills; but in the following years it became known as autism spectrum disorder. This neurodevelopmental disorder affects a significant number of people around the world. Affected children before the age of three have problems in interacting and communicating with others, eye contact and emotional adjustments, in the development of language and speaking and performing repetitive behaviors to different degrees. Considering the increasing trend of this disorder, which affects the quality of life of parents in addition to affected children, special attention to effective therapeutic interventions is felt more than ever.
A definitive and permanent cure for this disease has not been discovered; however, some drug and non-drug treatments have been somewhat effective. In addition to common treatment methods, Iranian medicine as a holistic medical school can help to treat this disorder. Meza has a special place in Iranian medicine researches for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. From the point of view of Iranian medicine, disorder in the body's mood system or bad mood is the main cause of many diseases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the temperament spectrum in patients with autism spectrum disorder. By using the results of this study, by knowing the temperament of these children, we can provide an effective step in knowing the cause or factors of this disease.
The current study is cross-sectional descriptive, which was conducted after obtaining the ethics ID IR.ARAKMU.REC.1400.254. In this study, the number of 60 children with autism spectrum from 3 to 5 years of age among the children referred to Golhai Behesht Qom autism rehabilitation center was included in the study by simple random sampling method and after completing the consent form.

Table 1. Frequency of mixed temperament in children with autism spectrum
Types of mixed temperament Abundance, No. Abundance, %
dry 10 16.7
more 6 10
mild 24 40
cold 5 8.3
hot 13 21.7
mild 2 3.3

Table 2. Frequency of singular mood types in children with autism spectrum
Types of singular mood Abundance, No. Abundance, %
dry 47 78
more 7 12
mild 6 10
cold 35 58
hot 15 25
mild 10 17

The common questionnaire used by Iranian medical experts is Dr. Salmannejad's temperament questionnaire. This questionnaire contains 20 questions, of which 15 questions are for determining hotness and coldness and 5 questions are for determining humidity and
dryness, and each question receives a score of 1 to 5. Then the obtained data was entered into SPSS software version 25 and its descriptive statistics were determined.

Using completed questionnaires on the temperament of children with autism spectrum who participated in our research, it was determined that among the 60 examined samples, the highest frequency was related to cold and dry temperament with 24 people and 40%. The study of individual temperament in the studied autistic children showed that among the 60 examined samples, the highest frequency was related to dry temperament with 47 people and 78%.
In this study, we seek to know the temperament of children with autism spectrum based on Iranian medicine, according to the physical and psychological symptoms and characteristics of these patients, so that effective and irreversible treatment methods can be found for this disease based on the correction of the temperament of these children. Similar researches have been done in the field of temperament of diseases. The sages and philosophers of Iranian medicine introduce 4 types of temperament: "hot and dry", "hot and wet", "cold and dry" and "cold and wet", and according to the placement of each patient in one of these groups, medicine and diet they prescribe suitable food.
The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in modern medicine mainly include disturbances in relationships with close people and symptoms such as reluctance and inattention and even disturbances in non-verbal communication behaviors. The symptoms mentioned in the sources in Iranian medicine are classified as similar to the symptoms of cold and dry body and dark diseases and correspond to symptoms such as excessive thinking, constant obsession, constant looking at the ground and at a single object. He has a thin head and sunken eyes. In this research, which was conducted with the aim of understanding the temperament of children with autism spectrum, we intend to help researchers to find a more effective and irreversible treatment method for this disease based on the correction of the temperament of these children, and in addition to reducing the costs of long-term treatment of this disease, The side effects of drug treatments and the prevalence of this disease have been reduced and by knowing the effective factors in causing the disease, it will be easier to prevent this disease.

From the point of view of Iranian medicine, the symptoms of autism spectrum patients are caused by cold and dry temperament, which is consistent with the results of this research. Also, taking into account that in examining the individual temperament of these patients, it was found that dry temperament is the most frequent, it can be concluded that dry temperament can be the most important factor in the occurrence of this disease. This conclusion is not definitive and needs more extensive research.
Ethical Considerations
This research has the ethics code number IR.ARAKMU.REC.1400.254 from the Ethics Committee of Arak University of Medical Sciences. After explaining the objectives of the research, written informed consent was obtained from the parents who were volunteers. The participants were informed about the purpose of the research and its implementation steps. They were also assured of the confidentiality of their information and could leave the study at any time and the results of the research would be provided to them if they wished.
Financial Sponsor
 This article is the result of a research project approved in the Faculty of Medicine of Arak University of Medical Sciences and was done with the financial support of the Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor of Arak University of Medical Sciences.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Traditional medicine

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