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Showing 11 results for Aerobic Exercise

Mahboubeh Valiani, Zeinab Samadi, Fatemeh Shadman,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (12-2013)

  Introduction: The Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of distress physical, psychological and behavioral changes that occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and lead to disordering in individual relationships and normal activities. Since, the etiology of the PMS is not clear, to relief the symptoms of this syndrome, different methods were used. The main object of this project is to compare the effects of 2 different methods of aerobic exercise and vitamin B6 intake on the severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in Non-Athlete girls in 2011-12 .

  Methods : Sixty non - athlete girl students aged 18-25 at Khorasgan University were chosen 5 questionnaires and also daily symptoms the were divided into three aerobic exercise, vitamin B6 and control groups randomly. They aerobic exercise constructed for 8 weeks, 3 sessions in a week, and each session 60 minutes done in the University Club . The experimental group ( vitamins B6) were used a pill every day for 2 month s. After 1 month s the PMS questionnaire was distributed among the 3 groups again (mid-test) and after 2 month s the posttest was conducted.

  Results: The results showed that the severity of symptoms reduced after 1 and 2 (P ≤ 0.001) month s exercise . Also the results indicate that the mean score in decreasing physical, psychological symptoms and total score in Aerobic was more than vitamins B6 and control group (P ≤ 0.05).

  Conclusion: The results of this study concluded that aerobic exercise and vitamins B6 intake can reduce the severity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Behrooz Heidari, Marefat Siahkouhian, Javad Vakili, Ali Zarghami Khameneh,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Introduction: Milk Thistle is a traditional herbal medicine that contains some active ingredients including Silymarin. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of short term silymarin supplementation on aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) serum levels induced by one-bout aerobic exercise in active male.

Methods: In a experimental, Twenty-two active male, after completing consent forms were randomly divided into two equal groups including supplement and placebo groups. After 7 days of supplementation period (6 mg/kg/day silymarin or placebo) all subjects performed an aerobic exercise including running on the treadmill with 65-70% heart rate reserve for 30 minutes. Blood samples were taken at four phases (baseline, after supplementation period, immediately and 24 hours after the exercise). Data was analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA, Bonferroni and independent t-tests.

Results: Results showed that after 30 min aerobic exercise, levels of serum liver enzymes significantly increased immediately and 24 hours after exercise in Silymarin and placebo groups (p=0.01). However, after 24 hours of aerobic exercise, all liver enzymes was decreased significantly in Silymarin group comparing to placebo group (p=0.038).

Conclusion: Based on the present findings, it seems that Silymarin supplementation can inhibit aerobic exercise induced hepatocellular damage in active male.

Mehrdad Fathei, Somaye Khairabadi, Keyvan Hejazi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Introduction: Green tea as a rich source of antioxidant compounds, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer one, has been under so much attention nowadays. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of an eight-week aerobic exercises and the consumption of green tea as a supplement, and the effects of the compound of them on insulin resistance markers, liver enzymes and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight women.

Methods: In this clinical trial study, 40 volunteer subjects took part in the following research based on the agreement after signing a consent form. They were divided into four equal groups: green tea (T), aerobic training (A), aerobic training+green tea (A+T) and control groups (C). T group (3 times per day and after 2 hours of each meals, brewed 2 g green tea in 100 mil liter water and consumption).A group, participate in aerobic training included eight weeks (3 sessions per week, 45-60 minutes). Moreover, T+A group both actions were done with each other. To make intra and between groups comparison, paired sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance was used.

Results: The levels of APOA and APOB had a significant increase and decrease only in A group respectively compared with the period before and after training. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (p=0.001) had a significant variation in A and A+T group, and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (p=0.001) levels in T and A group. Insulin and insulin resistance had statistically a significant decrease (p=0.001) in A and A+T group.

Conclusion: The combination of the eight-week aerobic exercises with the consumption of green tea has lead to reduce the insulin resistance markers, liver enzymes, and these factors can affect the reduction of the inflammation and improvement of  heart and vessels.

Dr Akbar Moin, Mr Ali Zarghami Khameneh,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Introduction: Milk thistle has been used for centuries as a herbal medicine for the treatment of different diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different doses of short-term milk thistle extract supplementation on the inflammatory markers response in active male induced by one-session aerobic exercise.
Methods: For this purpose, Twenty-seven active male with VO2max 45-50 ml.kg-1.min, after completing consent forms, in a quasi-experimental and double-blind design were divided in three homogeneous groups of 9 subjects; supplement (Silymarin: 5 and 10 mg.kg1.day) and placebo (Dextrose: 5 mg.kg-1.day). After 14-day supplementation, all subjects were participated in a single aerobic exercise include; running on the treadmill at the 0% slope for 30 min with the intensity of 70-75% HR reserve. Blood samples were taken at three phases (baseline, after supplementation period and 24 hour after the exercise). Data were analyzed using repeated-measure 3×3 ANOVA, Bonferroni and independent t-test at α≤0.05.
Results: The results showed that a single bout of aerobic exercise causes a significantly increased 24-hour inflammatory indices in all groups (P=0.001). However, in comparison to the placebo group, silymarin ingestion groups cause to attenuate the inflammatory markers response (CRP & PBMC) for placebo, 5 and 10 mg.kg-1.day of silymarin, respectively; P=0.023 and P=0.014) following one-session aerobic exercise.
Conclusion: Based on the present findings, it can be concluded that the short-term of silymarin supplementation in dose-dependent response together with aerobic exercise could reduce the inflammatory markers in active males.

Javad Tolouei Azar, Yousef Saberi, Bahloul Ghorbanian, Mr Babak Nourani,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Introduction: One of the ways to cope with the adverse effects of inflammation caused by exercise is the use of oral anti-inflammatory supplements. Among these, Sesamin is one of the most effective nutritional supplements used to reduce the inflammatory-oxidative damage caused by various types of exercises.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 40 trained men aged 20-25 years were selected through convenience sampling and after obtaining informed written consents, the participants were randomly assigned to four groups: placebo (10), aerobic training (10), aerobic training + sesamin (10) and sesamin (10). Serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and C-reactive protein were measured by Elisa kits. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test using SPSS 20.
Results: The results of ANOVA showed that serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the supplementation + aerobic training and supplementation groups were significantly different from those in the other groups (respectively, p=0.022 and p=0.001) and the same was the case for serum level of C-reactive protein in the supplementation + aerobic training group (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Aerobic training in combination with Sesamin supplementation is an effective method to improve the health of trained men. In addition, combining supplementation with aerobic training can increase some of the beneficial effects of training over a 10-week period and decrease inflammation caused by training.
Nazila Khanzadeh, Roghayeh Poozesh, Alireza Nour Azar,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Introduction: The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of aerobic exercise and Chlorella supplementation on paraoxonase-1 and lipid hydroperoxide in Wistar rats with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: The present study is an experimental research. 50 male Wistar rats with an average weight of 220±10 g were divided into 5 groups of normal control, diabetic control, diabetes + Chlorella supplementation, diabetes + aerobic exercise and combined (diabetes + Chlorella supplementation + aerobic exercise). The subjects were studied throughout an eight-week period and the levels of paraoxonase 1 and Lipid hydroperoxide were measured after this period. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test.
Results: The results showed significant differences between the groups in terms of paraoxonase-1 level (P=0.001). Comparisons between the Chlorella supplementation and aerobic exercise groups (P=0.001), Chlorella supplementation and combined groups (P=0.001), and aerobic exercise and combined groups (P=0.007) also showed significant differences. Also, there were significant differences between the groups in terms of Lipid hydroperoxide (P=0.001) as significant differences between the Chlorella supplementation and aerobic exercise groups (P=0.005), the Chlorella supplementation and combined groups (P=0.001) and the aerobic exercise and combined groups (P=0.029).
Conclusion: Eight weeks of aerobic training and eight weeks of taking Chlorella can reduce Lipid hydroperoxide and increase paraoxonase-1 in rats with diabetes. However, a combination of exercise and Chlorella supplementation leads to better results.
Tahmineh Irandoost, Ahmad Abdi, Asieh Abbassi Daloii,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Introduction: Visfatin and Vaspin are two adipokines playing a role in increasing or decreasing insulin resistance. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of 8 weeks of aerobic exercise in combination with cinnamon extract on visfatin and vaspin in insulin-resistant rats.
Methods: Thirty-six Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: control (N=9), aerobic exercise (N=9), cinnamon extract (N=9), and aerobic exercise + cinnamon extract (N=9). Insulin resistance status was induced by %10 fructose solutions during 5 weeks. The exercise groups were subjected to a 5-day per week aerobic exercise program (with 75-80% VO2max) for 8 weeks. 200 mL/kgBw/day cinnamon extract was injected to the rats in the cinnamon extract groups. The Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the significance level was set at p<0.05.
Results: The results showed that aerobic exercise with and without cinnamon extract significantly decreased the serum visfatin, insulin and insulin resistance (P<0.000, P<0.005 and P<0.001, respectively). Also, the Aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise + cinnamon groups significantly increased vaspin concentration (P<0.001). Glucose levels were significantly decreased in the aerobic exercise + cinnamon group (P<0.008).
Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated that aerobic exercise may improve insulin resistance in insulin-resistant rats changing the levels of serum visfatin and vaspin. However, it can have a greater effect on visfatin when combined with cinnamon extract.
Abdollah Akbari, Vahid Tadibi, Naser Behpoor,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2020)

Objective: Diabetes is a chronic disease associated with a wide range of liver diseases. The levels of liver enzymes such as Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are changed following a liver disease The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise combined with Stevia extract supplementation on the levels of ALT and AST enzymes in diabetic rats.
Methods: In this experimental study, 40 males wistar rats weighing 150-220 g were used. Animals were randomly divided into five groups; healthy control , diabetic control, diabetic + exercise, diabetic + stevia, and diabetic + exercise + stevia. The extract was administered by oral gavage for 6 weeks. The aerobic exercise program was performed for six weeks, 5 days per week. At the end of the intervention, blood samples were collected from the heart of rats to measure the levels of ALT and AST. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test.  
Results: The levels of ALT and AST enzymes decreased significantly in all experimental groups compared to diabetic control group (P<0.05).  
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise combined with stevia extract supplementation can improve the liver function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

َarezoo Adelifar, Aliasghar Ravasi, Rahman Soori, Sirous Chobineh,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Objective: Due to the uncertainty of the impact of thyme plant on endurance sport performance, despite its high antioxidant property, this study aims to assess the effect of aerobic exercise combined with thyme extract supplementation on the PGC-1α gene expression in male rats.
Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 40 adult male Wistar rats randomly classified into five groups of 8 including control, sham, aerobic exercise, thyme extract (400 mg per kg per day), and aerobic exercise + thyme extract. The rats began their exercise on a treadmill for 10 minutes a day with a speed of 10 m/min and a slope of 10%. Speed and duration of exercise gradually increased over the next two weeks until they reached 27 m/min and one hour per day, respectively. The real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was used to investigate the PGC-1α gene expression extracted from the soleus muscle of rats.
Results: There was a significant difference in PGC-1α gene expression after intervention between the combined group and control and sham groups (Mean=1.01±0.0306; F=4.238, P=0.05). However, the PGC-1α gene expression rate in aerobic exercise group and supplementation group was no significantly different compared to control and sham groups (Mean=1.01±0.0306; F=0.00001, P=0.005).
Conclusion: It seems that thyme extract supplementation along with aerobic exercise increases the PGC-1α gene expression.
Dr Amir Khosravi, Dr Parisa Khosravi, Dr Saeed Daneshyar, Dr Vahid Valipour Dehnou,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2022)

Objective: Aerobic exercise and Saffron has beneficial effects on inflammatory response. The present study aims to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise combined with saffron extract supplementation on serum levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in rats following an aerobic exercise until exhaustion
Methods: This is an experimental study. Forty eight Wistar male rats were assigned into four groups: control (C), supplementation) SE), training (AT), and training+supplementation (AT+SE). Aerobic exercise was performed for 8 weeks (five sessions a week). supplementation was done by administrating 100 mg/kg/day saffron extract by oral gavage. At the end of experiment, half of the rats was killed immediately before exhaustion and the remaining immediately after performing an acute aerobic exercise until exhaustion by running on the treadmill. Serum CRP and TNF-α levels were measured by ELISA method. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, considering the significance level of P< 0.05. 
Results: Following an exhausting exercise, serum levels of CRP and TNF-α in the AT+SE group significantly lower than in groups C (PCRP = 0.001; PTNF-α=0.001), SE (PCRP=0.001; PTNF-α=0.001) and AT (PCRP= 0.021; PTNF-α =0.046). These markers in the AT group significantly lower than in groups C (PCRP=0.004; PTNF-α=0.039) and SE (PCRP= 0.014; PTNF-α=0.043). There was no significant difference between the other groups. 
Conclusion: Aerobic exercise alone and in combination with the use of saffron extract may reduce the inflammatory responses following an exhausting exercise.
Mohsen Akbarpour, Fazlollah Fahollahi, Mohammad Reza Muradpourian,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Objective Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality among men worldwide and in Iran. This study aims to assess the effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and consumption of pomegranate juice on some MicroRNAs and a tumor suppressor protein (P53) in men with prostate cancer.
Methods This quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2021 on 40 men with prostate cancer with a mean age of 61 years who were randomly divided into four groups (10 indivituals): control, exercise, exercise + supplementation, and supplementation. Exercise groups performed aerobic exercises for eight weeks, three sessions per week, each for 60-90 minutes with an intensity of 50-70% of maximum heart rate. Supplementation groups consumed 100 cc of pomegranate juice for 8 weeks, three times per week. Blood samples were taken from the participants 48 hours before and after the implementation of the exercise protocol. Dependent t-test and one-way ANOVA with the least significant difference post hoc test were used to analyze the data, considering a significance level of P≤0.05.
Results Eight weeks of aerobic exercise combined with consumption of pomegranate juice caused a significant decrease in serum levels of miR-21 (P= 0.001) and miR-155 (P= 0.001) and a significant increase in P53 protein level in men with prostate cancer..
Conclusion Aerobic exercise and consumption of pomegranate juice simultaneously can reduce miR-21 and miR-155 levels and increase the P53 protein level in men with prostate cancer. 

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