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Showing 4 results for Vitamin E

Ashraf Salehi, Hamid Momeni, Abolfazl Seraji,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)

  Introduction: The most common syndrome in women is PMS. Premenstrual syndrome is one or more periodic large collection symptoms before menstrual cycle, which lead to degree of changes in personal activities and active lifestyle for him and followed by a period with no symptom is generated. Hypericum Perforatum L. and vitex agnus are two herbal remedies that have been used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The purpose of this study is determination of the effect of Hypericum Perforatum L. and vitex agnus and VitE on Premenstural Syndrome.

  Methods: This is a one-stage clinical trials . The study sample included 210 women with PMS were placed in three groups of 70 (Simple randomized) . In the first group , Vitex tablets second group , Hypericum Perforatum L. tablets and the control group were given vitamin E for 2 months . Before and 2 months after the intervention were compared with standard chart of PMS . Intensity of Symptoms were identified with the number 1 ( no symptoms), 2 ( mild symptoms ), 3 ( moderate symptoms ) and 4 ( severe symptoms ). The results were analyzed using SPSS software . In the study of descriptive and inferential statistics including Mann -Whitney U test, Kolmogrov Smirinov, test t paired, chi-square test , Fisher's exact test and one -way ANOVA was used for diffraction . The significance level for all tests p<0.05 was considered.

  Results : Measure of average intensity of Symptoms were received in Hypericum Perforatum L. group 62.03 ± 31.54 before intervention to 38.76 ± 12.11 after the intervention in Vitex group of 61.23 ± 30.54 to 25.25 ± 17.78 and the vitamin E group, from 61.24 ± 32.04 to 54.9 ± 19.24. Compare average intensity of Symptoms in the Hypericum Perforatum L. group and in vitamin E group (p<0.005) , also Vitex group and in vitamin E group ( p<0.001 ) and in the Hypericum Perforatum L. group and Vitex group ( p<0.001 ) before and after intervention Showed that has increased but this is a dramatic decrease in Vitex group.

  Conclusion: This study showed that Vitex a good therapeutic effect for Premenstrual syndrome treatment and it can be used as an effective treatment. 


Abolfazl Seraji, Ashraf Salehi, Hamid Momeni, Azam Kerami, Nasim Naeimi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Introduction: Pain is the most common cause which leads people to medical centers. Pain is a mental perception and the people’s sensation of painful events and their reactions greatly differ from one another. “Mastalgia” is among the most prevalent women’s complaints and concerns. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of Evening Primrose and Vitex Agnus on pain scale of the women with cyclic Mastalgia.

  Methods: This study is a clinical and triple-blind trial with a control group. The subjects include 210 women being selected through simple sampling and distributed in three 70-subject groups randomly. The medications included Vitex Agnus tablets for the first group Evening Prime rose for the second group and Vitamin E for the control group for a period of two months. The criterion of chest pain has been measured before and two months after intervention through filling a questionnaire and the collected data were compared. The data were then analyzed by SPSS software, one-way ANOVA and paired T-test.

  Results: The mean pain criterion for the first group was 5/67±1/411 before the intervention and 4/51±0/864 after the intervention respectively 5/70±1.448 and 3/70±1.012 for the second group and decreased to 5/70±1.438 and 4.84±1.099 for the control group (p<0/05).

  Conclusion: The results demonstrated that Vitex Agnus has some positive effects on the pain scale of the women’s with Mastalgia and thus can be used as an effective clinical method.

Roghie Bagheri, Khadije Hekmat, Parvin Abedi, Hamed Tabesh, Zohre Omidifard,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (3-2014)

  Introduction: “Gestational Diabetes” is carbohydrate intolerance with different severity which is firstly initiated or identified in the pregnancy. There are some evidences regarding the relationship between Mellitus diabetes and the serum vitamin E level. The researches in this filed have come to different conclusions. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of serum vitamin E level (α-tocopherol) in the women suffering from gestational diabetes in comparison with the normal pregnant women.

  Methods: The present study was performed as a case-control research on 41 women in case group with gestational diabetes (based on carpenter coustan criteria) and 41 healthy pregnant women as control group. The two groups were matched regarding the factors of maternal age, pregnancy age and body mass index (BMI). 5 cc of venous blood has been drawn from each subject and the level of α-tocopherol has been determined through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ultimately, the collected data have been analyzed by T-test and chi-square test.

  Result: The average level of serum α-tocopherol in the women with gestational diabetes was 6/21±2/69 and 6/92±2/43 in control group which showed no meaningful differences between the two groups (p < 0/05).

  Conclusion: Regarding the low level of serum α-tocopherol in the women with gestational diabetes in comparison with the healthy pregnant women and due to the possible relationship of gestational diabetes with this vitamin serum level, it can be concluded that the serum level of α-tocopherol can be an indicator of the reduced body anti-oxidant defense.

Zahra Masumi, Arash Khalili, Fatemeh Delforooz, Javad Faradmal, Arezoo Shayan,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Introduction: Premenstrual syndrome is a common disorder among women. This study aimed to comparison effect of vitamin E oil, evening primrose were on premenstrual syndrome.
Methods: Study was double-blind clinical trial and randomly on 70 volunteers Imam Hossein health centers in Hamadan, was carried out. After obtaining consent, the first group (n = 35) received a capsule of vitamin E (400 UI) and the second group (n = 35) capsules of evening primrose oil (each capsule 1000 mg) 3 successive doses for 60 days. As tools for collecting data were demographic questionnaire form and the daily status of premenstrual syndrome. Data using SPSS software (version 16) were analyzed.
Results: After the intervention, evening primrose consumer groups, the mean scores of stress symptoms(p=0.004), sleep disturbance(p=0.019), appetite for sweets(p=0.014), sore breasts(p=0.025), bloating(p<0.001), was dropped significantly after the intervention and in the total score of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome after intervention in the floral group (90.66 ± 64.66) and the vitamin E group was (108.84 ± 74.88), that difference was significant(p<0.05).
Conclusion: The effect of evening primrose oil in the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome was better than the drug Vitamin E, but drug Evening primrose oil can used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual.

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