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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2012)                   cmja 2012, 2(3): 204-211 | Back to browse issues page

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nazemzadeh M, jalalodini A, rezvani amin M, yousefian N, poornamdar Z, ghaljeh M. The effect of foot reflexology massage on pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain visited to physical therapy unit in Baghiathallah hospital in Tehran. cmja 2012; 2 (3) :204-211
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-110-en.html
1- Zahedan of Medical University, Nursing and Widmifry Collage . Zahedan,Iran
2- Zahedan of Medical University, Nursing and Widmifry Collage . Zahedan,Iran , jyazgol@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (16152 Views)

  Introduction: Low back pain is a common complaint in different communities . Low back pain has negative effects on different aspects of the life. Different methods has been used for reduction effects. Foot reflexology causes pain reduction. This study has been conducted to examines effect of foot reflexology on pain intensity in patients with low back pain.

  methods: in this quasi- experimental study and 3 groups, 150 men with low back pain visited to Baghiatallah hospital in Tehran, First were selected by purposive sampling and then they with random allocation method had been divided into three groups: Experimental (foot reflexology was applied in real points once a week for three weeks), placebo (sham foot reflexology was applied low pressure in all points once a week for three weeks) and control (without any intervention). Date was collected by demographic questionnaire, Visual Analog Scale a nd Short Form Mc-Gill Questionnaire. For analyzing of data Spss 18 , univariance and q square have been used.

  Results: The results of study with univariance showed that pain is reduced between three groups after intervention (p<0.001). Foot reflexology massage caused reduction in pain intensity in patients by low back pain

  Conclusion: In the end, the study showed foot reflexology massage has effect on reducing pain intensity. So it is suggested for nurses to use foot reflexology for reducing pain in patients with low back pain.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other cases

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