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Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)                   cmja 2013, 3(1): 355-365 | Back to browse issues page

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Barkhordari F, Taavoni S, Haghani H, Gooshe Gir A. Effect of oral Royal jelly on edema of premenstrual syndrome. cmja 2013; 3 (1) :355-365
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-137-en.html
1- Tehran University of Medical Sciences
2- Tehran University of Medical Sciences , staavoni14@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (11978 Views)

  Introduction : Women may find physical and mental change during premenstrual, which may have causing restrictions in daily living, and job responsibilities and reduced quality of life. One of the physical changes during this period is edema. Prevention of edema, which is the first step, is important for reducing premenstrual syndrome . Many women are interested to use complementary and alternative medicines for relief from their premenstrual symptoms therefore purpose of this study was to identify the effect oral Royal jelly on edema symptom of premenstrual.

  Methods: This triple blind randomized controlled trial study was carried out on 110 cases, who had premenstrual syndrome and live in dorms of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and were randomly divided to two groups of intervention and control. Questioner had two main parts of personal characteristics and premenstrual profile 2005, which during intervention had been used the general part of edema that include overly breast swelling, bloating, edema and weight gain in the category of edema and self checked daily for two months. Intervention of Royal jelly and Placebo had been continued for two menstrual cycles.

  Results: Equality of two groups according to personal characteristics and edema symptom before intervention were checked and there were no significant difference. After intervention there were significant difference of edema scores between Royal Jelly and Placebo group at the end of first menstruation cycle (p<0.01) and second menstruation cycle too (p<0.01).

  Conclusion: This study showed that Royal jelly was effective in reducing edema symptom. Therefore Healthcare team can to perform it in Medical centers. Evaluating the effect of Royal jelly on other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is recommended.





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Type of Study: Research |

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