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Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2013)                   cmja 2013, 2(4): 324-335 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi A H, Bakhshi M, Behboodi Z, Goodarzi S, Haghani H. Effect of sage extract on hot flashes in postmenopausal women. cmja 2013; 2 (4) :324-335
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-154-en.html
1- Midwifery Lecturer , Nursing and Midwifery Faculty , Tehran University of Medical Science
2- MSc in Midwifery , Faculty , Tehran University of Medical Science , m_bakhshi49@yahoo.com
3- Associate Professor and Head of Reproductive Health Department of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty , Tehran University ofMedical Science
4- Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy , Tehran University of Medical Science
5- Tehran University of Medical Science
Abstract:   (20511 Views)

  Introduction : Hot flashes is the most common problem in postmenopausal women , which may have adverse effects on their quality of life . Concerns about the effects of hormone replacement therapy has been increased the desire to investigate alternative treatments such as herbal therapy for this problem. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of sage extract on frequency of hot flashes in postmenopausal women.

  Method : This study was a randomized controlled trial . Using a triple- blind design ( participants and researcher blind to group assignment and data analyst blind to groups until after initial analyses) , participants were assigned randomly to sage extract or identical placebo. Participants included 84 women aged 45 to 60 referred to the Health Center of Branch No. 1 of Lahijan with complain of hot flashes in the fall of 1391.The main variable of this study was the frequency of hot flashes . Participants using a hot flash check list , recorded their frequency of their hot flashes before and 8 weeks after the beginning the intervention ( daily intake of100 mg capsules of salvia extract or identical placebo capsules ).

  Results : The two groups were similar in terms of the mean number of hot flashes before the intervention. After 8 weeks of intervention the mean number of hot flashes decreased in both groups. But statistically significant difference was found between the participants’ pre-intervention and post-interventionin sage group.( p=0,004 ) .

  Conclusion : This study showed that both the sage extract and placebo were effective in reducing the frequency of hotflashes but the sage was more effective. Therefore this native and cheap plant can be used for this common problem of postmenopausal women.

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Type of Study: Research |

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