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Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)                   cmja 2013, 3(2): 494-503 | Back to browse issues page

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Davdabady Farahani M, vakilian K, Seyyedzadeh Aghdam N. Comparison of Ginger and Valerian on the Severity of Primary Dysmenorrhea: a Randomized Triple Blind Clinical Trial. cmja 2013; 3 (2) :494-503
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-172-en.html
1- University of Medical Sciences Arak , davoodabadi@arakmu.ac.ir
2- University of Medical Sciences Arak
Abstract:   (16007 Views)

  Introduction : Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common complaints in the adolescent and young adult women . This Study aimed to compare the effects of ginger and valerian on the severity of primary dysmenorrhea.

  Methods : This is a randomized, triple-blind clinical trial done o n 210 students of Arak University of Medical Sciences . According to the study , subjects were randomly assigned in to three groups: ginger (250 mg capsule ), valerian ( 350 mg capsule ) and placebo ( 250 mg capsules, sugar ) . The capsules used in the first three days of menstruation , every 8 hours for a number of two consecutive cycles , the samples were consumed . Pain severity was measured by using the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBS) in the first three days of the menstrual cycle and before the two interventions . After data collection , Statistical analysis using 16 spss software and chi-square tests , t tests , Wilcoxon test was performed .

  Results : The mean pain severity before medication the ginger and valerian and control groups showed no significant difference, but the severity of pain after two months for the intervention group than the control group decreased (P < 0.001 ( . On the other hand, a significant difference between valerian and ginger in the second month of treatment was observed (p < 0.03).

  Conclusion : According to the results of this study , it seems that ginger and valerian , both are effective in reducing the pain intensity primary dysmenorrhea , but the effects of valerian is more intuitive than ginger.

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Type of Study: Research |

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