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Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2017)                   cmja 2017, 7(3): 1958-1967 | Back to browse issues page

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Sedaghati P, Daneshmandi, Saremi, Ashtari. Does aquagymnastic training promote the quality of life among the pregnant women?. cmja 2017; 7 (3) :1958-1967
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-508-en.html
1- , parisasedaghati@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5441 Views)
Introduction: The uncontrolled changes in pregnancy can cause a wide range of physical and psychological problems, so even in a normal pregnancy, these changes may interfere with the ability of pregnant women to perform their everyday life affairs. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of aquagymnastic training on the quality of life among the pregnant women.
Methods: This Cohort study was carried out on primiparous women (n=62; age range= 28-35) referred to the Sarem hospital (Tehran, Iran) with a history of non-specific back pain. All subjects completed the written consent form. The first and second group was consisted of 32 applicants and 30 non-applicants for taking part in the hospital's aquagymnastic classes, respectively. The participants were in the second trimester of pregnancy. The applicants performed an 8-week aquagymnastic training, both in water and land (between the 14-22 weeks of pregnancy) under the researcher’s supervision with the assistance of an aquagymnastic coach in the hospital.
Results:  The results showed that the 8-week aquagymnastic training, significantly promoted the general quality of life (P=0.001), physical function (P=0.014), limitation of role playing due to the physical health status (P=0.001), limitation of role playing due to the emotional problems (P=0.002) and general health (P=0.001) among the primiparous women in the second trimester of the pregnancy.
Conclusion: It seems that the aquagymnastic training can be suggested as a safe, group-centered and entertaining sport by specialists and coaches to promote the quality of life and general health during the pregnancy.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Nursing and Midwifery

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