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Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2022)                   cmja 2022, 11(4): 304-315 | Back to browse issues page

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Latifi S A H, Haji Rahimian Tasuji M H, Rajabnejad M R, Asadi M H, Mahmoodi S A. Role of Aaraze Nafsani in Health and Illness. cmja 2022; 11 (4) :304-315
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-630-en.html
1- Research Center Traditional Medicine and Complement, Arak University of Medical Siences, Arak, Iran.
2- Researcher and Expert Research Quran and Etrat Student Vice Chancellor, Qom University of Medical Siences, Qom, Iran. , mmhrahimian@gmail.com
3- Faculty of Medicine and Iranian Traditional‌, Iran University of Medical Siences, Tehran, Iran.
4- Department of Islamic Studies, School of Medicine, Arak University of Medical Siences, Arak, Iran.
Abstract:   (4130 Views)
Objective: Among the Setah Zaroriah, psychological events, they produce very fast and powerful effect on the human body. The most important factor to maintaining  health or creating disease is mediation spirits that is created from steamy, very delicate, and fluid, which influences to power and verbs fastly.
Methods: In this review study, available resources related to the subject of research from in Iranian physicans Mohammad ebn Zakaria Razi, Ali ebn Abbas Ahwazi, boAli Sina  and Seyed Esmaeel Jorjani was investigated. Therefore, the vocabulary related to the psychological events were searched from the books of such writers such as al-Hawi, tebe rohani, Kamel Alsanaa Altabyh, Ghanoun fe alteb and Zakhireye Kharazmshahy 
Results: Zakari Razi has written an independent book called , Tebe Rohani. Ali ebn Abbas Ahwazi has studied all branches of medicine in al-Sinachr (‘39’)a al-Tebeye. Al-Qanoonchr (‘39’)s book is the most systematic book writed to temperamental medicine, and the book of  Zakhireye Kharazmshahy is a comprehensive medical book, which is Aaraze Nafsani the most important part of these books.
Conclusion: The scientific scholars of Iranian medicine have considered is Aaraze Nafsani and to treat the illnesses caused by this Aaraze Nafsani differently from the treatment Physical illnesses. Aaraze Nafsani are signs of peoplechr (‘39’)s appearance, and these signs are some of a sign of health and some signs of a disease. Must be strengthened his strength, he must be strengthened by forces hemfar off the patient from Aaraze Nafsani.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional medicine

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