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Volume 1, Issue 1 (6-2011)                   cmja 2011, 1(1): 51-59 | Back to browse issues page

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Attarha M. Comparison of the effect of perineal massage with lavender essential oil with just massage on Episiotomy and laceration. cmja 2011; 1 (1) :51-59
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-65-en.html
Midwifery School of Arak University of Medical Sciences. , m.attarha@arakmu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (30212 Views)


  Perineal trauma particularly from routine episiotomy is painful. That is associated with short and long term morbidity for women. It seems massage particularly with lavender essence effective in reducing episiotomy and laceration.

  Material & Method: This was a randomized control trial study with 3 groups. At 38-42 weeks of gestation, 266 nulliparous women with singleton fetus were asked join to research. They were randomly participating in massage with lavender essence oil, just massage or control group. In case group massage was done with two fingers inside vagina in a sweeping gently motion with or not lavender essence oil 5up to 10 minute, in and between mothers’ pushing in second stage of labor. In control group just Ritgen Maneuver was done. We compared rate of intact perineum, episiotomy, laceration, duration of second stage of labor among groups.

  Results: In lavander group, intact perineum, episiotomy and laceration: 60/2, 8, 8, 31/8, in just massage 43/5, 16/5, 40 and in control group: 2/4, 80, 17/6% were respectively. These differences were statistically significant (PV=0/001). In Lavender essence group, first and second degree laceration were 27/3 and 8%, in just massage: 28/2, 11/8% respectively. In control group, first, second and third degree laceration were 4/7, 7/1 and 5/9% respectively Difference was statistically significant (PV=0/001).

Conclusion: It seems perineal massage especially with Lavender essence in second stage of labor increases incidence of intact perineum. Lavender essence oil and lesser just massage probably rise blood flow, elasticity, softness and relaxation of perineal tissue
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Type of Study: Research |

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