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Volume 13, Issue 1 (4-2023)                   cmja 2023, 13(1): 10-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Bakhtiyari Z, Minaeefar A, Bakhshi Khaniki G, HaeriNasab M, Yazdiniyapour Z. The most common Therapeutic Effects and Consumption Algorithm of Plants Sold under the Name of Lemon Balm in the Pharmacies and Herbal Markets of Iran. cmja 2023; 13 (1) :10-19
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-919-en.html
1- Doctoral Student of Plant Systematics, Faculty of Science, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran , donyaelina@gmail.com
2- Associate Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3- Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
4- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
5- Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (1234 Views)
Introduction: Lemon balm is a widely used medicinal plant, but in addition to the main variety (Melissa officinalis L.), several other plant species are sold in the pharmaceutical markets with the name of lemon balm, it’s properties, type and concentration of medicinal compounds are not completely similar to the original variety, therefore. It is important to investigate these species more closely and determine their botanical indicators, therapeutic properties and possible side effects.
Methods: This research has been carried out in two dimensions: studying valid research documents and conducting field research, in the first dimension, in addition to the study of flora related to the search in Pubmed, Webmed, Scopus, Magiran and... Databases with the key Persian words such as Badranjbuiyeh (Lemon Balm), therapeutic properties, side effects, local name and their English equivalents were also found in related published articles. In the second dimension, the samples that were offered under the name Badranjbouyeh in different parts of the country were purchased and identified after being transferred to the herbarium.
Results: Based on the identified samples, it was found that in addition to Melissa officinalis L. species; at least 15 other plant species are sold in the country under the name of lemon balm. Dracocephalum polychaetum, Dracocephalum ,moldavica Dracocephalum Surmandinum, Dracocephalum subcapitatum, Dracocephalum kotschy Dracocephalum Lindbergii, Dracocephalum aucheri, Hymenocrater elegans, Hymenocrater Bituminosus (Dracocephalum thymiflorum Stachys inflata, Nepeta persica Nepeta mahanensis, Marrubium vulgare ( of Lamiaceae and Asperugo procombens of Boraginaceae.
Conclusions: The lack of expertise in botanical science of many suppliers of medicinal plants leads to the occurrence of inadvertent frauds in the market of medicinal plants, these frauds, in addition to reducing the effectiveness of treatment, can lead to severe side effects or damage, therefore, it is very important to accurately identify the types of drugs available in the country's drug market.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Traditional medicine

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