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Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2023)                   cmja 2023, 13(2): 33-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Vahdi S, Mohammadinejad M, Salari M, Abbasian Mehr P, Taherzadeh M, Qadiri A. Investigation and comparison of self-esteem in warm and cold temperament (mizaj) groups of non-athletic male students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. cmja 2023; 13 (2) :33-40
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-932-en.html
1- PhD Student in Sports Physiology, Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Movement Behavior and Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran , pe14umz@gmail.com
3- Master of Family Counseling, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Hekmat Razavi Institute, Mashhad, Iran
4- PhD student in Sports Physiology, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
5- PhD student in Sports Physiology, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
6- Phd student of sports management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad branch, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract:   (1220 Views)
Introduction: From the point of view of Iranian medicine, each person has a unique temperament and two people can never be considered similar despite their appearance. Temperament is affected by three physiological, anthropometric and psychological factors. One of the important indicators of mental health in the field of psychology is self-esteem. The relationship between psychological variables and temperament is among the gaps that need more research. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between self-esteem and temperament in young non-athletes.
Methods: This research was a cross-sectional-analytical method that investigated the relationship between two temperaments (hot and cold) and self-esteem in young non-athletic male students in the fall season of 2018. After obtaining written informed consent from the applicants present in the research, the sample size was determined in the warm temperament group of 94 people and the cold temperament group of 93 people. Temperament classification of the subjects was done through the temperament diagnosis questionnaire (Mojahedi 2014) based on the type of temperament. Also, the self-esteem level of the subjects was evaluated with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). Due to the non-normality of the data, the differences between the groups were analyzed with the U-Man-Whitney test in the SPSS version 21 software environment.
Results: Based on the obtained results, there are significant differences between the warm and cold temperament groups in the sub-components of self-esteem, self-worth in the cold-tempered groups with an average rank of 79.60 and warm-tempered groups with an average rank of 100.58 (P = 0.006). And the feeling of satisfaction was seen in the cold-tempered groups with an average rating of 77.23 and warm-tempered with an average rating of 103.23 (P = 0.001), so that the self-worth and satisfaction indicators in The warm-tempered group had the highest rating compared to the cold-tempered group.
Conclusions: The results were such that warm-tempered people had significantly more self-worth and satisfaction as components of self-esteem than cold-tempered people. In general, the self-esteem index as one of the variables of psychological sciences was higher in warm-tempered people.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional medicine

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