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Volume 6, Issue 4 (3-2017)                   cmja 2017, 6(4): 1667-1676 | Back to browse issues page

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mostaanzadeh H, honarmand E, khalilian M. Chemical study of the therapeutic effect of Alhaji maurorum aqueous extract on formation and dissolution of calcium oxalate kidney Calculi. cmja 2017; 6 (4) :1667-1676
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-407-en.html
1- University of Qom , h.mostaan@qom.ac.ir
2- University of Qom
Abstract:   (13618 Views)

Introduction: Kidney Calculi (mainly made ​​of calcium oxalate) is the third disease of urinary tract in which the side effects of surgery have caused particular attention to the use of plant products. The inhibition and disolution of calcium oxalate in solutions containing Alhaji maurorum have been studied in the present research.

Methods: In this laboratory research, after taking the aqueous extract of 10 grams of Alhaji maurorum by 300 ml of distilled water at gentle heating, the formation and dissolution of calcium oxalate in samples with and without 50 percentage of extract was investigated by complexometric, conductometric and flame photometric methods.

Results: The effect of the extract on the precipitated inhibition was studied and the results of conductometric titration curve method showed a significant difference (150.0 µmol) between the concentration of calcuim in the absence (1000.0 µmol) and presence of the extract (850.0 µmol). The effect of extract on the stone dissolution was also examined by flame photometry and complexometry methods and the results showed that the amount of estimated calcium, based on dissolution of calcium oxalate crystals in the presence of extract, was 3.5 µmol lower than that in the absence of extract. The results reported in all the experiments were the mean value of at least three repeated measurements (P=0.05).

Conclusion: According to this study, Alhaji maurorum aqueous extract can prevent the formation of calcium oxalate crystals; however it does not have any significant effect on their dissolution.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medicinal Plants

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