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Volume 13, Issue 4 (1-2024)                   cmja 2024, 13(4): 21-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Rajabnejad M R, Seyfaie M. Investigation of Seyyed Ismail Jurjani's Views on the Concept of Melancholia. cmja 2024; 13 (4) :21-27
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-951-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of History of Medical Sciences Group, Research Institute for Islamic & Complementary Medicine, School of Persian Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- MSc in the History of Medical Sciences, Researcher in History of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , m.seyfaie1@gmail.com
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Melancholia the name of a disease said to be Greek (Jurjani, 2012) and today it is classified as one of the major depression physicians (Yusefpour and et, 2016). Most of the physicians of the Islamic era have described this disease in their writings. The physicians of the period of Islamic civilization included melancholia in the classification of brain diseases.In this disease, thoughts and opinions change from their natural path towards corruption and fear. Most of the physicians of this period considered melancholia as a cause of Black bile (Rajabnejad & Seyfaie, 2023).
This research has been carried out in a library method, in order to reach the opinions and views of Seyyed Ismail Jurjani on the subject of melancholia, his various books authored such as the collection of "Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi, Khofi Alayee, Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah, and Yadegar" was investigated.
Jurjani considers the origin of melancholia from the brain and its cause from soda. He considers a person suffering from melancholia to be a person who feels fear without reason and is sad and suspicious (Jurjani, 1990). He considered the characteristics of a person suffering from melancholia to be in the nature of soda.
According to Seyyed Ismail Jarjani in her three books "Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi and Khofi Alayee and Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah" melancholia is divided into two types, cerebral and participatory.
Brain melancholia means melancholia that arises in the brain itself and Participatory melancholia means melancholia that occurs with the participation of other members in this type the effect of the members' participation will be on the brain.
Due to the fact that Seyyed Ismail Jarjani has described in detail various diseases, including melancholia in the book "Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi" it seems that his other books are a summary of the contents of "Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi" to some extent. That Jurjani wrote with the aim of faster reading and easier access to medical materials. Therefore, in this research Seyyed Ismail Jarjani's opinions on the discussion of the types and members of melancholia in the books "Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi and Khofi Alayee and Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah and Yadgar" were examined.
In the books of Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi and Khofi Alayee, Jurjani introduced the stomach and spleen as participles and called this type of meroq's melancholia. Although the stomach and spleen are mentioned as contributory organs in the reserve, however, there are also references to the liver and heart in the treatment of melancholia (Jurjani, 2012). And also in Khafi Ala'i, these two members are also mentioned in the section of the symptoms of sufferers (Jurjani, 1990).
Jurjani's opinion in the book "Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah" can be considered as a complement to her opinion on the participative members of Melancholia. In this book, he considered the spleen, abdominal muscles, stomach, masarigha veins, heart, uterus and the whole body as cooperative members. In this book, in addition to the above organs, Jurjani also refers to the liver in describing the symptoms of melancholia. In this book, Seyyed Ismail considered the participation of abdominal muscles to be meroq's melancholia (Jurjani, 1966).

Seyyed Ismail Jarjani a famous physician of the 5th-6th centuries AH/11 AD. It has important medical effects in Persian language. Due to the importance of the subject of melancholia, Jurjani has described this disease in his medical works and writings such as Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi and Khofi Alayee and Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah and Yadegar.
He classified melancholia among brain diseases and he knows the origin of this disease from the brain and its cause from soda and the change in the temperament of the brain caused by the dominance of soda phlegm has been considered as the cause of this disease. Jurjani has fear without reason, being constantly sad and hopeless as the spiritual symptoms of people suffering from melancholia, and he considered the cause of it to be in the nature of soda. He mentioned two types of melancholia cerebral melancholia and melancholia with the participation of another member (participatory) and the spleen, stomach, uterus, heart and liver are among the participating organs in melancholia. Based on the research carried out on the subject of melancholia in Jurjani's works it was determined that although Jurjani wrote the book of Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi in detail however the books Khofi Alayee and Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah and Yadegar Yadegar Although they are not written in detail in the book of Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi, there are some things about melancholia in these books that complement Jurjani's comments in the book of Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi. For example, Jurjani's opinion in Al-Aghrād al-Ṭibbīyah wa al-Mabāhith al-Alāīyah in the participative parts of Melancholia is complementary to his opinion in the book of Zakhireye KhwarazmshahiBased on this it is important that in the thematic research on Jurjani's views not only the book of Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi Repository should be limited but other books authored by her should also be examined and compared.
Ethical Considerations
Following the principles of research ethics.
There is no funding support.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declared no conflict of interest.
The article has no conflict of interest.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional medicine

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