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Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2013)                   cmja 2013, 3(1): 383-393 | Back to browse issues page

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asali Z, fahami F, aslani A, fathi zade N. comparative evaluation of st jhon’s wrot and passion flower effect on hot flash and insomnia in menopausal woman. cmja 2013; 3 (1) :383-393
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-109-en.html
1- MSc, school of Nursing and Midwifery ,toyserkan azad university , z.asali@yahoo.com
2- Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran.
3- Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran
4- MSc, school of Nursing and Midwifery
Abstract:   (14959 Views)

  Introduction: Because of being assosciated with changes and complications, menopause is a critical and sensitive period. Its common symptom include: vasomotor signs, psychologic changes and sleep disorders, witch could influence on work, social tasks, quality of life and the sense of wellbeing. Usually Hormon replacement Therapy(HRT) is thr treatment option that is assosciated with side effects and lots of women do not desine to use it and it has contraindicated for some else.

  Nowadays after hormone therapy the attention is toward Selective Reuptake Serotonin Inhibitors (SSRIs), so accordingly to these effects of St john's wort and passion flower, we use them for reducing menopause symptom.

  Method: this prospective clinical trial was performed, in 1388. 59 menopaused women who had include criteria, were participated in the study. The sampeling was convenience and the subject were allocated randomly to two groups(n=30 St johns wort and, n=29 in passion flower group). Demographic data were collected through personal charchtric questionace. Kopperman index was used for menopausal symptoms(hot flashe &insomnia), witch were filled in 3 periods: befor prevention, third week and sixth week of intervention.

  Results: the results has shown that the means of total menopausal symptom score in both groups(St john's wort and passion flower) in the third and sixth week of intervention were statistically significant (p<0.05). But there were no significant differences between two groups. So both herbs reduced the menopausal symptom simillary.

  Conclusion: regarding to the effect of St john's wort and passion flower on treatment of premature menopausal symptom( vasomotor, insomnia), at least the useage of these herbs are suggested for all women who are contraindicated for HRT.


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Type of Study: Research |

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