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Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2013)                   cmja 2013, 3(2): 462-470 | Back to browse issues page

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mirbagher N, Kafaei M, Shahshahani M, Mosahebi S, kHaleghi M. The Usefullness of Acupressure on the P6point in Decreasing Anxiety of the Surgical Technology-Students. cmja 2013; 3 (2) :462-470
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-144-en.html
1- kashan university of medical scienc
2- kashan university of medical scienc , kafaei_m@kaums.ac.ir
3- , Isfahan university of medical sciences. Iran, Isfahan
4- Kashan university of medical sciences. Iran, Kashan.
Abstract:   (13023 Views)

  Introduction: Anxiety as a type of worry and fear can effect on learning Procedure, performance and clinical decision making among surgical technology students. Based on literature review acupressure is not a drug used with a negative feeling method in decreasing anxity among people. The purpose of this study is to survey acupressure effect upon fresh man/woman new surgical technology students have gone to the operating room.

  Methods : In this quasi- experimental study ؛ 60 surgical technology students in the beginning of training course were selected. They were randomly divided into P6 and Thumbs groups. At the first stage, the students completed the Spielberg questionnaire. Then in the acupressure group, the P6 point was pressed by the researcher’s thumb finger in this way 1 minute pressure, 30 seconds rest and then 1 minute pressure. For the thumb group the P6 point was touched by the first researcher’s thumb finger as long as that time, as well. Then the students were entered to the operating room and looked at the surgeries for 15 minutes. The Spielberg questionnaire was filled out by the students, again. Ultimately, the data was analyzed by the SPSS version 14 software, statistical Chi-square and T-tests.

  Results: The significant difference observed in the P6 group’s apparent and hidden anxiety were (P=0.04) and (P=0.03), respectively. But in the touched group by the thumb finger apparent anxiety increased (p=0.07) but hidden anxiety significantly decreased (P=0.04).

  Conclusion: The acupressure can be used to reduce surgical technology students’ anxiety before entering to the operating room.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other cases

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