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Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2016)                   cmja 2016, 6(2): 1461-1469 | Back to browse issues page

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farahani M, purfarzad Z, Sajadi M, Saeedi M. The effect of Progressive muscle relaxation on happiness in nursing students. cmja 2016; 6 (2) :1461-1469
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-361-en.html
1- nursing & midwifery faculty
2- nursing & midwifery faculty , m.sajadi@arakmu.ac.ir
3- nursing faculty
Abstract:   (7992 Views)

The effect of Progressive muscle relaxation on happiness in nursing students

Background and objective: Happiness, an evaluation of the individual and his life work, and issues such as life satisfaction, excitement and positive mood, lack of depression and anxiety are included. A person who is more than happiness, peace and security, making life better and finally there is hunky-dory. The purpose of this study was the effect of progressive muscle relaxation on nursing students' happiness.

Materials and Methods: This research is a Single blind clinical trial conducted on 60 of Second and third year nursing students of Arak University of medical sciences. Participants were randomly allocated into intervention and control groups. Happiness levels in both groups are measured using the Oxford Happiness questionnaire. Then the experimental group is trained progressive muscle relaxation. Intervention group were applying progressive muscle relaxation once a day for 4 weeks. After a month, the happiness questionnaire in two groups was filled out. Data using SPSS software and chi-square tests, t-test and t-test were analyzed.

Results: The results showed that the happiness of students before and after the relaxation in intervention group, was significant differences (p<0.05). Also after the muscle relaxation in both intervention and control groups were significantly different (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Relaxation effects on students' happiness. So, it is recommended that progressive muscle relaxation use by nursing students.

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Type of Study: Research |

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