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Volume 7, Issue 1 (6-2017)                   cmja 2017, 7(1): 1767-1776 | Back to browse issues page

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Abedi B, Poorfakhimi Abarghu J, Ghadami A, Amini Rarani S. The Effects of Resistance Training and Green Tea Supplementation on Lipid Profile and Insulin Resistance in Obese and Overweight Men. cmja 2017; 7 (1) :1767-1776
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-428-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University, Mahallat Branch
2- Isfahan University of Medical Sciences , Ghadami@nm.mui.ac.ir
3- Hojjat Ebne Alhasan Asgari Hospital,
Abstract:   (9202 Views)

Introduction:Obesity is one of the most important risk factors for non-communicable diseases. One treatment in this context is the use of resistance exercise and green tea. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of resistance training and green tea supplementation on lipid profile and insulin resistance in obese and overweight men.

Methods: In this clinical trial, 60 men with a body mass index (BMI) between 35-25 Kg / m2 randomly divided into four groups: resistance training along with green tea, resistance training, green tea and the control. Resistance training included 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Supplementation with green tea powder, was 3 green tea tablets of 500 mg a day. Lipid profile and insulin resistance were measured before and after the intervention. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods with SPSS version 21 were used for data analysis.

Results: Results showed that resistance training along with green tea decreased triglyceride levels (197.63± 68.48 vs 139.12± 36.06), insulin (16.43± 4.79 vs 9.13± 3.13), insulin resistance (3.85± 1.29 vs 2.09 ±0.78), and increased in HDL(37.50± 4.14 vs 41.38 ± 3. 70) (p <0/05) but had no effect on the mean LDL, cholesterol and blood glucose.

Conclusion: It Seems that green tea and resistance training reduce blood fat, improve insulin and diabetes prevention of overweight and obese men used resistance training and green tea. Therefore, it is recommended to use resistance training and green tea to reduce lipid profile blood and improve the effects of insulin which prevents diabetes.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other cases

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