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Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)                   cmja 2018, 7(4): 2076-2089 | Back to browse issues page

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aghaei A, khalili M. The social component associated with the tendency of patients to complementary and alternative therapies. cmja 2018; 7 (4) :2076-2089
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-529-en.html
1- Jalal Al Ahmad Highway, next to Shariati Hospital, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Social Communication Group, Postal Code 1411713118 , atefeaghaee@ut.ac.ir
2- No.119, Farshi Moghaddam St. North Karegar Ave, Tehran, Iran. Postal code: 1439837953
Abstract:   (5140 Views)
Introduction: People have turned to complementary and alternative medicine in recent years. Since the social factors are effective in this trend, the purpose of this article is to review these factors associated with the tendency of patients to complementary and alternative medicine.
Methods: This article was done by qualitative content analysis method with the inductive developmental style of the categories and using a semi-structured interview. Interviewed with 41 participants who referred to homeopathic clinics, massage therapists and herbal therapists in Tehran during the spring and autumn of 1396. Sampling was purposeful and data analysis and analysis were conducted simultaneously with sampling and interviews continued to theoretical saturation.
Results: The social components of the tendency to complementary medicine were classified into two groups of attractive and repulsive factors. Repulsive factors include "modern medical iatrogenic complications", "Hegemonic position of the doctor" and attractive factors include a "system approach to complementary medicine", Cultural-Social-Psychological Attitude” and "The Economic Advantage of Complementary Medicine"
Conclusion: In addition to biological care, the patient should also be aware of the social dimension of his life. The social component of the emphasis on complementary medicine is important for patients and can improve the treatment process
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional medicine

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