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Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2019)                   cmja 2019, 9(3): 3824-3833 | Back to browse issues page

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Ashuri A, Shirazian M. A Case Report of Chronic Nonunion Thighbone Fracture Treatment Based on Iranian Traditional Medicine. cmja 2019; 9 (3) :3824-3833
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-655-en.html
1- Traditional Medicine Assistant at the College of Traditional Medicine at Qom University of Medical science, Qom, Iran.
2- Traditional Medicine Expert and the Founder of Bu Ali Medical School and Research Institute of Qom, Qom, Iran. , mahmoudshiraziaian@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (5485 Views)
Objective Nonunion fracture of lower-extremity long bones is really important because these bones bear the weight of the body. Some reasons of nonunion fracture are: Instability and immobility of the fractured fragments; insufficient blood supply to the fractured site; and damage to periosteum and necrosis of periosteal cells caused by insufficient blood supply. There are two methods of nonunion treatment based on Iranian traditional medicine: (A) Nonsurgical treatment including physiotherapy, ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves or injection of Maltose-binding protein for stimulation of bone regeneration; and (b) Surgical treatment with the aim of fixing fractured parts internally and externally, and eventually bone graft in the form of allografts and autografts.
Methods The patient was a 29-year-old man whose thigh bone had been fractured in an accident at the age of 21. During 8 years, he had underwent surgical and nonsurgical treatments as well as allograft and autograft transplantation, but unfortunately none of these treatments were effective and he suffered from infection, transplant rejection and necrosis of fractured fragments. Disappointed patient was subjected to treatment based on traditional medicine including modification of lifestyle and dietary regime, and using traditional drugs and leech therapy. 
Conclusion After 6 months of therapy, avascular necrosis was completely removed and new bones were created in the areas between the fractures and the patient got better over time. By expanding education and research in the field of Iranian traditional medicine, we can increase the use of effective, non-invasive and low-cost Iranian-based therapies which have great role in improving the quality of life of the individual and community and can prevent from expensive material and spiritual costs of surgery and amputation. 
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: Traditional medicine

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