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Volume 14, Issue 1 (4-2024)                   cmja 2024, 14(1): 54-62 | Back to browse issues page

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Fallahi Z, Aleyasin S A. The Effectiveness of Logotherapy on Pain Coping Strategies/ Psychological Capital and Death Anxiety in women with Breast Cancer. cmja 2024; 14 (1) :54-62
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-976-en.html
1- Master of Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Ashtian Branch, Azad Islamic University, Ashtian, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Ashtian Branch, Azad Islamic University, Ashtian, Iran , Aleyasin_psychology@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (845 Views)
Introduction:  Breast cancer is one of the most challenging diseases in the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of logotherapy on coping strategies for pain, psychological capital, and death anxiety in women with breast cancer.
Materials and Methods: This was an applied and semi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design and a control group. The statistical population included women referring to Zafar Medical Complex in Karaj city, among whom 30 women with breast cancer were selected by non-random sampling method. The samples were divided into two experimental and control groups using the multivariate covariance method after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Having obtained written consent from the participants, they filled out questionnaires of Rosenstein's Pain Coping Strategies, Luthans' Psychological Capitals, and Templer's Death Anxiety at the pre-test stage. Following that, the experimental group was trained in Blair's logotherapy protocol for 10 sessions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Both groups completed the questionnaires once more during the post-test stage. The data was analyzed in SPSS-22 software using a multivariate covariance test.
Results: Data analysis after logotherapy showed a significant difference in the test group, including pain coping strategies (returning attention, P=14.667; reinterpretation of pain, P=6.248; self-talk, P=0.0001; invisibility of pain, P=0.002; disaster, P=0.002; prayer-hope, P=0.004; psychological capitals, P=0.0001; and death anxiety, P=0.51) compared to the investigated variables in the control group. Moreover, the results of the covariance in the test group demonstrated a significant difference in the mean scores before and after logotherapy in coping strategies with pain, including returning attention (8.47±1.278), reinterpretation of pain (11.40 ± 11.120), self-talk (20.27 ± 2.183), invisibility of pain (9.93 ± 0.796), catastrophizing (13.53 ± 1.641), prayer hope (14.00 ± 1.418), psychological capitals (54.33 ± 1.968), and death anxiety (0.859 ± 9.40) (P<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in the control group in this regard.
The value of eta showed that 64% of the changes in psychological capital, 54% of the changes in returning attention, 36% of the changes in the reinterpretation of pain, 61% of self-talk changes, 59% of pain-ignoring changes, 34% of catastrophizing changes 53% of changes in prayer-hope, 52% of changes in activity ability and 51% of changes in death anxiety were due to the effect of treatment.

Conclusion: Logotherapy proves to be efficacious in aiding women with breast cancer in managing strategies related to coping with psychological strength and fear of death.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Clinical Medicine

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