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Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2018)                   cmja 2018, 7(4): 2090-2099 | Back to browse issues page

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Madadkar, Basiri. Effect of Relaxation Jacobson on quality of Life and self-efficacy in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis. cmja 2018; 7 (4) :2090-2099
URL: http://cmja.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-477-en.html
1- , shirinmadadkar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (5504 Views)

Introduction: The quality of Life and self-efficacy of the hemodialysis patients are somehow unfavorable due to its chronic nature and aggressiveness of the treatment. This study aimed to determine the effect of relaxation technique on the quality of Life and self-efficacy of the patients treated with hemodialysis.
Methods: This research was a clinical trial conducted in 2013. 90 patients undergoing hemodialysis were recruited from two hemodialysis centers in Gonad (22) and Yazd(68) and were randomly allocated into control (n=45) and trial (n=45) groups. The progressive muscle relaxation technique was presented to the trial group during three sessions. After receiving written consent, they were asked to relax once a day for 6 weeks.In order to ensure the proper implementation of the training, follow-up researchers followed the patients and families of patients by phone calls in the field of dialysis. No trainings were provided for the control group patients. The quality of Life and self-efficacy of the two groups were compared with each other. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic specifications, quality of Life(WHOQOL-BREF) ،self-efficacy(SUPPH). Data was analyzed using SPSS 14.
Results: The results showed no significant differences in the mean quality of Life and self-efficacy scores between the two groups before the intervention (p=1) but they were significantly different after the intervention (p<0.001).
conclusion: Progressive muscle relaxation can lead to improve the quality of life and self-efficacy in hemodialysis patients.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Traditional medicine

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